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Frequently asked questions
How do I book?Click on the experience you wish to choose and click 'book now' if no dates are there , unfortunately we are not running that particular event at that time.
What availability is there?All available dates and time will appear when you click on your chosen experience, and then 'book now' page. If there are no dates there, then please subscribe to our mailing list and you will be updated first of any new dates released. Due to high volumes of messages daily we can guarantee a response of when new dates will be released.
What is your address?Unfortunately we are not allowed to have visitors to our farm so we are not open to the general public. We will give you the details of where our activities are happening when you book. Please check that you have the correct address for the walk which is a different address from our farm. Please see the question below.
Where do you do the walks?The current location for our alpaca walks is in Newborough, as we are not open to the general public these full details are released upon booking of an Alpaca Experience.
48 hour cancellation policyIf you contact us before 48 hours prior to your booking we will happily rearrange for another time.
Can my friend come and watch?Unfortunately spectators are not allowed, but each alpaca walker can pay for one person to accompany them - the cost is £40 to share one alpaca (Two people for one alpaca) - if you have already booked a walk, and want to additionally bring a friend then you can buy a sharer ticket to accompany you. To do this simply book the date and time you have booked for your own walk to a sharer booking.
Can I bring my dog on the walk?Sorry, No dogs allowed
Can I have one alpaca between four people?The maximum number of people per alpaca is 2
Can I add some more people onto the booking last minute?It is sometimes not possible to add additional walkers at the last minute, however we try our best to accommodate bookings wherever we can. Please use the booking availability to do this, sharer tickets are available for those who do not wish to walk an alpaca, but accompany on a walk.
Can we come and see the babies when they are born?At the moment we are not allowed to have visitors to our farm and as we wouldn’t take babies away from their Mums even for a short time we are not able to show visitors at the moment. We are hoping to move to a new farm soon where this will be possible.
Can we ride the alpacas?Definitely not! Alpacas are not meant to be ridden.
Is it suitable for children?Alpacas are sensitive creatures and don’t appreciate being grabbed at or touched roughly. You will be fully briefed on where is and is not acceptable to touch an alpaca before the walk. Parents with children should monitor them during the walk to ensure that they adhere to this and also to encourage their children not to scream, shout or run round the alpacas during the walk as this will spook the animals and spoil the walk for others. If your child is contiuously being disruptive then unfortunately they will be asked to leave the walk. If you feel your child is unable to walk sensibly and listen to instructions for an hour, then the Meet and Greet Experience may be a more suitable option for them. Thank you for your kind consideration.
I have a disability / I can't walk far, is this for me?"The walk is across fields on uneven ground, If it has been raining the terrain may be muddy or wet. For this reason the walk is not suitable for Wheelchairs, or people who cannot walk very far. However we do offer an Alpaca Meet and Greet Experience which is suitable for the above groups.
What happens if we are late for our walk?We politely request that people are on time for walks as this is important for consideration of the other walkers booked on the experience. People arriving later than ten minutes will forfeit the chance to do the walk, So please make sure you know how to get there and give yourself enough time to be punctual.
I am confused between the activities, which have I booked?"Please read in full the description of the activity you have booked as we offer various different activities and don't want you to miss out on something by booking the wrong activity. Seperate activities offered: 1.Alpaca Walk Experiences 2.Alpaca Meet and Greet Experience 3.Alpaca Craft Activities
What should I wear?This is an outdoor activity. For the Alpaca Walk we advise that you will need waterproof boots or wellingtons if it has been raining prior to your walk as it may be muddy. We recommend you bring weatherproof clothing such as raincoats etc if the forecast says it may rain. For the other activities no special attire is neccessary.
Can I buy a voucher?Yes, vouchers are available for single alpaca walks, double alpaca walks, shared alpaca walks and a meet and greet. See below or visit: for all physical gift vouchers and e-vouchers.
PhotographsPlease let the staff know at the start of the walk if you are not happy with having your photo taken or put on our social media sites.
What happens if the weather is bad?All walks are weather dependent if it is too hot / cold / wet / windy then we may contact you at short notice to rearrange your booking. This is for the welfare of the Alpacas whose well being is very important to us. For this reason it is important you give us your contact details at the time of booking.
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